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West Charlotte
High School
2219 Senior Drive
Charlotte, NC 28216
Courier #: 576
P: 980-343-6060  |  F: 980-343-6049 
Principal: Paula Cook
LC: West
Bell Schedule: 7:15 AM - 2:15 PM
Grades: 9-12
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Driver's Education


Driver Education:

  • is a state supported program for all students enrolled in school whether public, private, charter, or licensed home school.
  • is a course that consists of 30 hours of classwork and 6 hours behind-the-wheel training.
  • is required for any person under the age of 18 desiring to receive a driver's license/learner's permit.
  • is not part of the school day or of school curriculum, however; considered a "part of school life."
  • is designed and dedicated to prepare our students for a lifetime skill that greatly enhances their quality of life.

Driver Education Goal and Objectives


The goal of Driver Education is to provide each student driver the psychomotor skills and mental attitudes that are essential to becoming the most competent, skillful, responsible driver possible. This serves as a base for parents to continue the instruction and supervision of their young driver in developing the necessary knowledge, skill, and attitude needed to become a safe driver. Communication with parents/guardians is an important key in accomplishing this goal.


  • to provide an opportunity for the student to learn current motor vehicle laws.
  • to provide an opportunity for the student to develop the proper attitude toward driving.
  • to provide an opportunity for the student to be introduced to necessary skills needed in driving.

To be Eligible for CMS Driver Education You Must:

Fee for Driver Education

The North Carolina General Assembly in its 2015 Appropriations Act has required that each LEA in North Carolina charge each eligible student a fee of up to $65.00 to take an approved course in Driver Education.  This fee collection became law on July 1, 2015.

This $65.00 fee is due on or before the first day of your selected class.  You may pay this fee online with a credit card or debit card on a secured site by clicking the link below and filling out a short registration form.  After paying the fee online, you must print a receipt and take it to the Site Coordinator on your campus or bring it with you on the first day of class.  You may also pre-pay by calling Jordan Driving School's office at 704-566-9900 or by visiting their office.  Please click on the Jordan Driving School link on the left to get their contact information.  If there are available seats, you may also pay on the first day of class with cash, certified check or money order.  The certified check or money order must be made payable to Jordan Driving School-Charlotte. Personal checks are not accepted.

After School Registration Information 

After-School registration is handled on individual campuses by the CMS Driver Education Site Coordinator. You can view a complete list of each Site Coordinator by clicking the Contact Information link to the left.  Each student is advised to listen for an announcement made on their campus to direct them to where their school's registration site is located.  You may also register for after school classes by going to  You can register for Winter Break Classes, Spring Break Classes and Summer Classes using this link.  Hard Copy registration instructions for these classes are distributed on all high school and middle school campuses. Classes are available to all eligible students who attend public, private, charter, or licensed home-school in Mecklenburg County.


Driving Eligibitily Certificates

A Driving Eligibility Certificate (DEC) is a printed document that is issued by the school principal and/or the principal's designee. The Driving Eligibility Certificate certifies that the student is currently enrolled in school and has demonstrated adequate academic progress toward graduation. According to NCGS20-11(n1), some students are ineligible to receive a Driving Eligibility Certificate. Students expelled, suspended or placed in an alternative educational setting for more than ten (10) consecutive days for possessing or selling alcohol, illegal or controlled substances on school property; bringing, possessing or using a weapon or firearm on school property, pursuant to NCGS 115C-391 (d1); or assaulting any school personnel on school property are ineligible. 

The Driving Eligibity Certificate is valid for only 30 days from the date of issue.  An updated certificate is necessary after 30 days of receiving the first one.  You must follow the same procedure when requesting the udpate as you did when you requested the first one.  NOTE: Students must be 15 years old to receive this document. Allow up to 5 days for processing to receive this certificate after your request is submitted to your school's main office.
P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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