Title I, Part A the cornerstone of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), previously known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), is the largest federal education program. Title I provides funding to public schools with the highest percentages of children from low-income families and is intended to help ensure that all children have an opportunity to obtain a high quality education. Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging State academic standards in order to reinforce and amplify efforts to improve teaching and learning for students farthest from meeting State standards.
West Mecklenburg High School is a Title I school and use funding to include reform strategies that upgrade the instructional program for the whole school. Services include hiring teachers to reduce class size, tutoring, purchase of instructional equipment, materials and supplies, parental involvement activities, professional development, and hiring paraprofessionals. Feel free to visit
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/program-monitoring/titleIA/ to learn more about Title I.
Title 1 Right to Know Letter (Espanol)
Title 1 Right to Know Letter (English)
Title 1 Open House Presentation
Parent Engagement Presentation