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Whitewater Middle is a school-wide Title I school.
Here you will find important information pertaining to our Title I Program. Be sure to check here
regularly for updates.
WMS Title I Annual Meeting 2021-2022.pdf
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy Template.pdf
Spanish TSI 20-21 (Recovered).pdf
Right to Know Notification to Parents English and Spanish.pdf
ENGLISH Parent_letter TSI-AT.pdf
CMS School Learning Compact.pdf
Revised CMS Parent Engagement Policy KBC Approved 7-26-16 (1) (1) English.pdf
Revised CMS Parent Engagement Policy KBC--SPANISH (1).pdf
Right to Know Notification to Parents English and Spanish WMS 2020-2021.docx
wms ENGLISH Parent_letter TSI-AT.docx
Spanish TSI 20-21.docx
Whitewater Middle Parental Involvement Policy 2020 - 2021.docx
English Learning Compact Whitewater 2018-2019.pdf (opens in new window)
ESSA Flexibility - Parent Friendly document 10-4-18.pdf (opens in new window)
Title I_Parent Info_Brochure.pdf (opens in new window)
Title I_Parent Info_Brochure_Burmese.pdf (opens in new window)
Title I_Parent Info_Brochure_Nepali.pdf (opens in new window)
Title I_Parent Info_Brochure_Vietnamese.pdf (opens in new window)
Please feel free to contact the school for any questions or concerns. You may contact Shatina
Morgan, our Title I Coordinator at 980-344-3400.